Weather forecast

Your weather forecast in Königstein/ Oberplalz, Bavaria
Saturday, 08.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
sunnysunnypartly cloudyoccasional rain
conditionsunnysunnypartly cloudyoccasional rain
temperature-1 °C3 °C2 °C-1 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed6 km/h6 km/h8 km/h4 km/h
wind directionEastEastEastNorth/East
Sunday, 09.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
sunnysunnysunnyoccasional rain
conditionsunnysunnysunnyoccasional rain
temperature-2 °C3 °C3 °C-2 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed8 km/h12 km/h12 km/h9 km/h
wind directionNorthNorth/EastNorth/EastNorth
Monday, 10.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
sunnycloudypartly cloudypartly cloudy
conditionsunnycloudypartly cloudypartly cloudy
temperature-1 °C2 °C3 °C-1 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed9 km/h14 km/h15 km/h16 km/h
wind directionNorth/EastNorth/EastNorth/EastNorth/East
Thusday, 11.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
temperature-3 °C1 °C2 °C-1 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed17 km/h19 km/h18 km/h15 km/h
wind directionNorth/EastEastEastEast
Wendsday, 12.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
partly cloudylight snowfallstrong snowfalllight snowfall
conditionpartly cloudylight snowfallstrong snowfalllight snowfall
temperature-3 °C-2 °C-1 °C-1 °C
chance of rain0 %100 %100 %100 %
wind speed9 km/h9 km/h4 km/h3 km/h
wind directionEastEastSouth/EastEast
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